Watch: “Wolf of Wall Street” Trailer

Based on its absolutely incredible new trailer, I feel secure in having projected this as my Second-Most Anticipated Film of the Year back in January.

In my best Stefon voice: “2013 hottest trailer is Wolf of Wall Street. This film has everything: monkeys, stacks of money taped to women’s bodies, lobster throwing contests, Goodfellas 4th-Wall Breaking, Coach Taylor, that thing where you throw a midget against a dart board.” Imagine Leo channeling Patrick Bateman, but with less murder and more McConaughey, to the sound of Yeezus‘ “Black Skinhead”. Oh, and add in the most insane dance this side of Diddy…

See the full trailer, after the jump…

There is opulence, there is decadence, and then there is the lifestyle seen in this trailer. Of course, as fun as this trailer is, Marty is obviously going to be playing at some richer social commentary here by making 80’s Bankers The New Mobsters, and there is no way to be sure that will totally work for a proper narrative. But as I am on record as saying Goodfellas is my favorite film ever made, and this film appears to be that masterpiece’s ‘corporate cousin’, I will for now just say “In Scorsese I Trust”.

One thought on “Watch: “Wolf of Wall Street” Trailer

  1. LCHC Rewind: 20 Most Anticipated Films of 2013 – Low Culture, High Concept

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