Welcome to the Machine

low culture

Noun: Term for forms of popular culture that have mass appeal. Its contrast is high culture. In simple terms, low culture is a derogatory term for popular culture, everything in society that has mass appeal.

high concept

Noun: Simple and often striking idea or premise, as of a story or film, that lends itself to easy promotion and marketing. Ironic term used to refer to an artistic work that can be easily described by a succinctly stated premise.

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An itch. It’s a nagging feeling, the uncomfortable sensation of something that must be scratched. It is a restlessness, a desire for something. Whatever that desire is for – be it sex, or food, or some other vice – it won’t subside unless it is properly dealt with. Once it takes hold, that peculiar tingling or uneasiness will persistent and it will linger until it is acknowledged.

For me, that itch is writing and having a dialogue about the larger popular culture around us; this site is my attempt at finally doing just that.

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