Steve Nash (Sort Of) Tries Out for Inter Milan

Lakers' Steve Nash to try out for Inter Milan

Steve Nash is a man of many passions and many talents. Throughout his NBA career, he has often pursued sideline interests beyond the game itself – whether it be in fashion, film, or business. Chief among his hobbies has always been soccer…er, football. On Tuesday, the two-time NBA MVP will have the chance to live out a childhood dream, as he has tryout (of sorts) with Inter Milan before the club opens play in the Guinness International Champions Cup tournament.

The tournament itself features eight club teams from around the world engaging in what are essentially meaningless ‘Friendly’ exhibition/publicity matches over next week. Nash’s involvement is expected to be brief – his tryout, or glorified workout really, takes place this afternoon in New Jersey two days before Inter plays its first match in the event in Indianapolis against Chelsea.

More details on Nash’s thoughts about the unlikely pairing are after the jump…

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Sir Alex Ferguson’s Retirement: Evil Empire Edition

keep-calm-and-hate-man-utd-257x300In the wake of the news that Sir Alex Ferguson would be retiring as Manager of Manchester United at the end of this season, I wanted to get contrasting perspectives on the matter: thoughts from a United supporter and Ferguson admirer; and from of a rival fan sharply opposed to Ferguson and what his run at United symbolized. 

These two companion pieces run as separate interviews. Below is the transcript of my anti-empire, anti-United discussion with Paul Lamb. My earlier, pro-Reds discussion with Brent Lukowski can be found HERE.

Trev: Following Sir Alex Ferguson’s retirement announcement, I was compelled to discuss news and its fallout with those who could contextual it and explain its importance. To that end, who better than my friend Paul Lamb, a man who has watched more soccer than literally any person I know. Lamber understands the game (and the culture around it) as well as anyone thanks to a lifetime of Saturday and Sunday mornings with tea, the game of the week, and his father.

Lambo, you are a Scot and a Celtic supporter through and through. Naturally you have long rallied against United and what they stand for in terms of fair-weather, spoiled fans. With that said, you are also an lover of the game overall and appreciate it beyond just the name on the front of the kits, so I know you understand Ferguson’s place in history. Can you share what your initial reaction was to the news – to this inexpert soccer fan, it has the feeling of a generational shift for the game overall, not just for United. Continue reading

Sir Alex Ferguson’s Retirement: Come On You Reds Edition

Last week’s news that Sir Alex Ferguson would be retiring as Manager of Manchester United at the end of this season shook up the world of world football. In the wake of the news, I wanted to get contrasting perspectives on the matter: from a United supporter and Ferguson admirer; and from of a rival fan sharply opposed to Ferguson and what that his run at United symbolized.

These two companion pieces run as separate interviews. Below is the transcript of my pro-Manchester, pro-Ferguson discussion with Brent Lukowski. My later, anti-Reds discussion with Paul Lamb can be found HERE.

Trev: In light of Sir Alex Ferguson’s retirement, I thought it best to reach out to someone to help put things into context. I thought it was only right to discuss the news and its fallout with a true footballing gentleman and United fan: former Queen’s varsity star forward (and captain), Brent Lukowski.

To start off, can you share what your initial reaction was to the news, both as a United supporter and universal lover of the game? To me this feels like the end of an era not just at the club, but for English football in general.

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