Reassembling the ProStars


Michael Jordan, Wayne Gretzky, and Bo Jackson as Saturday morning cartoon superheroes – as concepts go, it doesn’t get much higher than that.

As their theme song told us, they were ProStars – nay, Show Stars (Note: Please do not ask me what exactly being a “Show Star” entails). They were larger than life, at the pinnacle of athletic greatness while still finding time to fight crime, help children, and protect the environment. Imagine Captain Planet, or the Ninja Turtles, but if they could also dunk, score a hat-trick, and truck multiple would-be tacklers.

And then, *poof*. Like that, they were gone after just 13 episodes, too great to be long for this cruel world.

Well, I for one think we have gone long enough without cartoon athletes/superheroes. After the jump, behold my plan for rebooting this forgotten classic. ProStars Assemble! Continue reading