Watch: “Twelve Years a Slave” Trailer

12-years1Back in January – prior to the existence of LCHC – I took to my preferred writing outlet at the time (i.e. Zuckerberg’s Monolith) to list my Most Anticipated Films of 2013. I ranked Steve McQueen’s Twelve Years a Slave all the way up at third on said list, sharing only the following for an explanation:

Steve McQueen is a genius. This will be the film where most of the world finally finds that out.

Hunger was one of the more haunting, effecting film experiences I’ve had in the last decade, and Shame is a courageously truthful and personal film anchored by one of the best performances I’ve ever seen. So, if you are scoring at home, McQueen is 2-for-2 in delivering captivating, truly great filmmaking.

Well, the first trailer for the director’s latest was released this week, and all I keep thinking is that I may have short-changed him in using something as basic as “genius”.

See the first full trailer (and theatrical poster) for what promises to be one of the best films released this year, after the jump….

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