Watch: Justin Timberlake – “Tunnel Vision” (NSFW)

timberlake_tunnel_visionBecause apparently it is JT Day here on the site, I thought that it only made sense to get around to sharing Timberlake’s very NSFW video for “Tunnel Vision”.

Two weeks ago when the video originally dropped, all anyone could focus on was that this seemed to be another trip to the well of topless women which was used most recently (and effectively) for the video to The Song of Summer 2013, “Blurred Lines”. “Tunnel Vision” does appear to be something of a (kissing?) cousin to Robin Thicke’s video – not only through the presence of nude model, but also via the feature of dancing in front of a minimal, white background while bold typography displays the name of the single in question.

Overly-sensitive Fun Police have criticized Thicke for having both a “rapey” video and lyrics, and even the reigning King of Pop Timberlake has also caught some flak for the video’s graphic nature. More details, as well as the full explicit video, are after the jump…

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Listen: Justin Timberlake – “Take Back The Night”

Justin-Timberlake-Take-Back-The-Night-608x602After he briefly teased it early last week, Justin Timberlake went ahead and shared the entirety of his newest single, “Take Back The Night,” with the world last Friday.

It is now a week later, and I just realized that I had yet to actually post the song or my reaction to it on LCHC. On the ball, this Smith guy…

My own apparent tardiness notwithstanding, you can hit the jump below to listen to the first single from the second installment of Timberlake’s chart-dominating and critically well-received 20/20 Experience comeback album.

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