Why the “Timecop” Remake is Exactly the Kind of Idea Hollywood Needs

The Hollywood Reporter broke the news yesterday that Universal has begun developing a reboot of Timecop. Yes, a major studio is reviving a genre franchise in an attempt to repackage it and sell a non-original idea to a new audience. In other news, water is still wet.

Studio recreate, reimagine, rerelease, and repurpose their own properties all the time, and most fan take this proof that film creativity is an endangered species. The cynics see a Timecop remake and think: “Same old song: Start an action, sci-fi franchise, sequelize it, reboot and repackage it. Rinse, repeat. No idea is original”. I cannot help but be a contrarian to that kind of response.

Unpopular Opinion Alert: I think this is precisely the kind of move Hollywood needs more of, and actually think it is kind of brilliant (Record Scratches). Continue reading