Ron Swanson, Meet Sam Elliott

“Way out west there was this fella… fella I wanna tell ya about. Fella by the name of Ron Swanson….”

To absolutely no one’s surprise who is familar with the show, season six of (LCHC-favourite) Parks and Recreation is shaping up to feature a cavalcade of comedic guest stars. Most of the announced names have already been fairly inspired casting choices, but perhaps the most impressive of all these has just been revealed.

According to TVLine, Sam Elliott – AKA Wade Garrett AKA The Stranger AKA Lorne Lutch AKA Virgil Earp – has signed on to guest star in an episode of the NBC comedy as Ron Swanson’s mustached counterpart from Eagleton, the neighboring rival town that’s the-Shelbyville-to-Pawnee’s-Springfield. Continue reading