Waiting for Tennis – Episode 1


Today, I am very proud to announce the launch of the first LCHC-Affiliated Podcast Series: Waiting for Tennis.

Hosted by my good friends Sal Patel and Kyle Fulton, Waiting for Tennis is a new bi-weekly music podcast focused on discussing new music releases and trends from all popular genres. Whether debating the latest news, arguing over past releases, or offering album reviews, Kyle and Sal always bring a deep love and knowledge of music to the forefront of their lively, inspired conversations.

As part of the independent Canadian music industry themselves, they are uniquely positioned to consider and examine Canadian artists and albums within the larger context of popular and indie music from around the world.

In the hosts’ own words, this is “A podcast recorded by two men waiting for their bi-weekly tennis match, on all things music in Canada and around the world”.

For the musicians, managers, critics, connoisseurs, taste makers, and general appreciators alike, the show serves is a shared love letter to music.

In today’s inaugural episode, the guys debate Kendrick Lamar and his already-infamous verse on “Control”, list their own Top 5 Albums of 2013 (So Far), and sit down for a feature interview with Toronto-based musician Taylor Knox, who has played with The Golden Dogs, Zeus, and Sloan, and whose first full length solo album will be released soon. Along the way Drake, Yeezy, Vampire Weekend, Youth Lagoon, Ben Allen, Washed Out, and many others are also discussed.

We invite you to stream via the SoundCloud embed after the jump, or click “Download” and take the show with you anywhere. 

Let us know what you think in the comments below or sound off on our Facebook Page. 

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